
Recherchez et choisissez n'importe quel instrument Diapath de votre laboratoire

Explorez l'instrument Diapath et réservez une démo en direct avec notre spécialiste

CHOOSE AN INSTRUMENT Choose an instrument according to your lab needs
FILL IN THE FORM Fill in with your full information
CONTACTED BY DIAPATH You will be contacted by Diapath team - within to working days - to fix a virtual meeting according to your needs
ENJOY YOUR VIRTUAL DEMO You will enjoy a virtual face-to-face and real time session with our experienced product specialist
Choose your instrument
Automatic Tissue Processor
Donatello® Series 3
Donatello® Series 3 is the new automated Diapath tissue processor designed to enhance lab routine and guarantee reliability, safety and best quality results for the user.
Rotary microtome
Galileo Series 2
Galileo Series 2 is a rotary microtome with great histological sample cutting.
Automatic stainer
Automatic stainer for histological, cytological and histochemical staining on slides, ideally suited for Anatomic Pathology lab.
Embedding System | Embedding Module + Cold Plate
The Complete Solution For The Best Comfort And Efficiency.
Safecapsule Disposable pre-filled containers with formalin in safety capsule,
for transport and histological specimen fixation.
AUTOMATIC FORMALIN DISPENSER DIAPATH T-FILLER Perfect specimen management, from the operating theatre to anatomic pathology, ensuring complete safety for operators.
TIZIANO ULTRACOMPACT AUTOMATIC STAINER Automation, Quality and Reproducibility in histochemical staining
CYTOPATH® PROCESSOR AND CYTOPATH® EASY Complete cytology solution from sampling to staining
PiSmart Printers slides and cassettes High resolution  thermal transfer or laser cassette and slide printers
Fill in the form and book your Virtual Demo
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